probably seen enough recently. showing, Menu Grabber spares you the balloon, figuring that you’ve both Balloon Help and Help on Wheels. If you already have balloons It mentions, by way of a balloon, that Menu Grabber offers help through   “About Menu Grabber…” command in the Apple menu. This dialog presents Menu Grabber’s About box. It is opened by the  xThe About Dialog     key is equivalent. operating under its own menus. Pressing the Escape or Command-Period previously grabbed. This button is not available when Menu Grabber is Click here to revert to Menu Grabber’s own menus, releasing those  • Revert    menus. button is not available when Menu Grabber is operating under its own Click here to refresh your view of the target application’s menus. This  • Refresh    is equivalent. application’s menus, this releases them. Pressing the Return or Enter key an application for menu grabbing. If you are currently grabbing an Click here to bring up the program selection dialog, so that you can select  • Grab…   cause the target application to quit, not Menu Grabber! Command-Q. If you press Command-Q while grabbing, you will probably Menu Grabber’s own menus, then select Quit from the File menu or press NOTE: To quit Menu Grabber, you can click the close box, or revert to   application. When it has grabbed an application’s menus, the dialog shows which  ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±    Grabber will wait 30 seconds before giving up. grab an application’s menus; some applications may never respond. Menu to cancel the attempt. Across a network, it may take up to 15 seconds to to grab its menus, the dialog suggests that you can press Command-Period When you have selected a target application, and Menu Grabber is trying  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞    under its own menus. is asking you to click a button to select a target application, it is operating This dialog is present at all times while Menu Grabber is running. When it  Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø  xThe Status Dialog     Menu Grabber has one dialog, to show its status.   åDialogs § §